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Showing posts from June, 2013
PREPARING OF LESSON PLAN NECESSITY OF LESSON PLAN                 The students often try to lead you away from your objectives even when you have them clearly defined and in mind. If you do not exactly know what you are going to do, there is little hope of doing it any you can never test what you have done. 1.        That the lesson is well though out and that call the important points in the lesson are taught. 2.        That there is a likelihood of better attention and interest and therefore better learning by the students. 3.        That the check questions will enable the instructor to tell if the essentials of the lesson are understood by the students. 4.        That the safety points involved are stressed at the proper time. PREPARING  A LESSON INCLUDES 1.        To select the subject matter to be taught. 2.        To find the sequence of information to be given. 3.        To select or prepare the teaching aids, i.e. demonstration, material, apparatus diagra

Two weeks training course on " Teaching Techniques/Pedagogy and Managerial Skills

 Two Weeks  Training Course on “Teaching Technique/ Pedagogy and Managerial Skills Two Weeks Training Course on “Teaching Technique/ Pedagogy and Managerial Skills, which was started from 10 th June 2013 at NTB. Trainers of TEVT System form Public and Private Institutes joined the course, successfully completed on 21st June 2013. The concluding ceremony was held and Qazi Zaheer Ahmed Director General distributed certificates among the participants.  Zahoor Tariq Siddiqui