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                The students often try to lead you away from your objectives even when you have them clearly defined and in mind. If you do not exactly know what you are going to do, there is little hope of doing it any you can never test what you have done.
1.       That the lesson is well though out and that call the important points in the lesson are taught.
2.       That there is a likelihood of better attention and interest and therefore better learning by the students.
3.       That the check questions will enable the instructor to tell if the essentials of the lesson are understood by the students.
4.       That the safety points involved are stressed at the proper time.
1.       To select the subject matter to be taught.
2.       To find the sequence of information to be given.
3.       To select or prepare the teaching aids, i.e. demonstration, material, apparatus diagrams etc.
4.       To find the application of the delivered information or to find the way to check the acquired knowledge by the students.
5.       To prepare a plan of blackboard writing.
6.       To find the way of motivation i.e. preparation of the minds of the class to receive the new information.
                The following is suggested as a workable method fro preparing a lesson plan once the contents of the lessons has been selected.
1.       Write down the objectives of the lesson. Refer to them frequently in deciding upon methods and materials as the lesson plan develops.
2.       Consider possible ways of arousing the desire to learn this particular lesson. Choose the approach which you feel will be most effective. Decide just how you will present this to the learner. Make necessary notes to guide you when the lesson begins.
3.       Make a list of all instruction materials. Include tools, equipment, written material for students reference, charts, diagrams films or other teaching aids if any are required to make use of the methods you have chosen.
4.       List the teaching points which cover the new skill or information’s to be presented in the lesson.
5.       Consider possible methods for presenting new skills for knowledge.    Select the method or method which you believe will serve bests to make the new material clear to the learners. Indicate briefly the method selected.
6.       Analyze carefully the methods decided upon for the presentation step.
7.       Decide what job you will assign the learner for work on during the application step of the lesson if it is a skill lesson and if you after planning an informational lesson, decide that type of problems or questions will be assigned for this step lesson.
8.       Check the results of the application.
9.       Outline briefly a suitable test to check the achievements of the lesson.
·         Must focus on one main thing to be learnt.
·         Must contain something new.
·         Must not present too much at one time.
·         Must be suited to the learner and his past experience.
·         Must conform to trade standards and teaching specification.

·         Should require achievement that is measurable.
(Zahoor Tariq Siddiqui)


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