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One Week Training Course of Managerial Skills

One Week Training Course of Managerial Skills 

In the current era of  Globalization/Modernization and Technological change  a time has arisen where there is a dire need to develop such managerial skills as  change agents at every levels of  public sector which will be essentially focusing on workforce trends of flexibility, creative thinking, collaboration, and cross-organizational team building and leading for results.
One Week Training Course of Managerial Skills was designed and  started form 1st of July 2013. Twelve Officers/District Managers /General Managers of National Commission for Human  Development (NCHD)   from Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan, KPK, Azad Jumu Kashmir and Gillgit Biltistan, attended  this training programme.
On successfully completion of the said training programme a closing and certificates distribution ceremony was held on 5th July 2013 at 14:00hrs. Qazi Zaheer Ahmed, Director General,  National Training Bureau, presided over the ceremony.
Mr. Zahoor Tariq Siddiqui, (Assistant Director NTB ) coordinator of training programme, told  briefly about  the whole activity. He said that the  training programme has achieved its explicit objectives to a large extent: all participants shared their respective area’s experiences and future directions and challenges in implementing or enhancing their managerial skills.
On behalf of participants, Mr. Riaz and Ms. Uzma Fida Khawaja, expressed their views that now they are really feel now more, empowered and equipped with this rich learning experience that they have undergone. They appreciated the efforts done by NTB, and wished that near future NTB will arrange another training programme on pedagogy/ teaching techniques for this group.

Qazi Zaheer Ahmed, Director General NTB,   expressed his views  on the contents of the course and hoped that it would be beneficial for the participants as well as their organizations. He thanked the participants for their cooperation and  active participation in the harsh weather  in these five days. At the end of ceremony certificates were distributed among the participants showed his wishes for all  healthy and prosperous life.


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