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Lesson Planning

Lesson Planning 
1.     Preparation of slide presentation:
a.     Convert information in key points
b.    Draw/ insert  necessary sketches/ pictures  on power point
c.     Select design/ style  of slide presentation
d.    Choose appropriate animation and set accordingly
e.     Make sure all presentation slides apply in given time period effectively.

2.     Selection and arrangement  of Teaching Aids according to:
a.     Multimedia Projector
b.    Computer
c.     Power point software for slide presentation
d.    Damage saw blade
e.     Thin walled work piece
f.     and Coarse saw blade and correct

3.     Rehearsal and finalization according to Time/ period given:
a.     Setting/ managing time/ period for each slide
b.    Total    time 20 minutes  
After self introduction

1.     Motivation: 
a.     How many cutting tools we use in our daily life?
b.    Why we use different cutting tools for different thing?
c.     To utilize trainee’s pre-knowledge of Mechanical Workshop ask the types of cutting tools use in mechanical workshop.
d.    Try to share information about the problems in cutting process in workshop.
e.     Show the real blade and work piece to the trainees and ask questions.
f.     After getting their attention and involvement to words the topic start the slide show with these words:-
“Ok ,lets start to see what happened when we use sawing of thin-walled work pieces with coarse  teeth blade saw”.

2.     Slide show:

a.     1stSlide : ask about the Pictures, of Saw blade and thin walled workpiece.
b.    2nd Slide:What will happen when we use coarse saw blade for thin walled work piece. 
c.     3rd Slide: Start define causes and its effects, step by step in logical sequence.
                                                  i.    Using labels to indicate parts and link them with text.
                                                 ii.    Conclusion shows, damage the saw blade and gets rough  surface on work piece.
                                                iii.    Pause – for thinking … of students how to resolve this problem.
d.    4th Slide: just having Sing of interrogation, “?” for  creating suspense and increase the involvement of trainees.
e.     5thSlide : Shows Conclusion / Remedy of Problem. “Always Select Correct Saw blade according to thickness of wall of work piece”.


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